Chapter 78

Incoming 2024 Elected Officers

From left to right: Shana Sprackling (Secretary), Rob Latimer (Vice President), Alison Bennett (President), Maria Rodriguez (President Elect), Janae Weston (Treasurer), John Borgmeyer (International Director)

The International Right of Way Association (IRWA) is a global, member-led organization of dedicated professionals within the right of way industry. Established in 1934 as a not-for-profit association, IRWA's purpose has always been to improve people's quality of life through infrastructure development.

IRWA provides invaluable connections through its network of over 7,000 members across 15 countries. The Association actively promotes career growth through education and credentialing opportunities. Recognized as a leading education provider in the industry, IRWA elevates right of way professionals to make a powerful difference in their communities.

Should I Join IRWA?

  • Are you involved in the acquisition, management or disposal of real estate?

  • Do you work for a government agency, public utility, pipeline company or right-of-way contractor?

  • Are you an engineer, lawyer, appraiser, property manager or negotiator?

  • Do you employ professionals working in relocation assistance, land title, property management or environmental areas?